Thursday, July 13, 2006

In loving memory of Ms. Brodeur

(This mad sky happened on the drive out to Montana. It looked like The Nothing from The Never Ending story was coming for us. I think you get the metaphor)

Mars is coming closer to the Earth.

Apparently Mars only gets this close to Earth every 5,000 years.
All Arians will stand up and cheer.
They will feel clear headed and strong.
Everything else will suffer.
Mars is the God of war.

While in Montana I learned that a dear friend’s mother had died suddenly over the 4th weekend. She was found in the shower. It was a hard blow to him. They were very close. I wanted to cry when I got the news. But I had no tears left. I meditated instead.

Today at work my coworker Cory had to leave because his father passed this morning. He talks about his father all the time. He seemed like a really nice, fun guy. I think Cory really looked up to him. Cory was in a really bad mood this morning and I thought he was just being pissy. I feel really bad now that I know.

Yesterday I got an email that DoggyDayCare had broken up with her boyfriend. It was a hard decision. She was going crazy. It felt bad to be with him. It felt bad to break up.

I heard on the news that the unaffected countries of the Middle East have been watching the war to asses how they should plan for future diplomacy with America. They have come to the decision that it is better to stock up on weapons and germ warfare because inevitably America will want to pick a fight and they have to be ready.

India was hit with a bomb. Hard.

150 people were injured on the Blue line yesterday because of a huge fire.

I know bad stuff happens all the time.
Maybe I’m just feeling it more this year cause I’m getting to be that age.
And it will be worse at 40 and if I make it to 65, even worse.
I’ve been told that your body starts dying at 25.
In other words, 25 is the age when your body is replenishing its cells at a slower rate than they are deteriorating.
I’m 28.
I know how it all ends.

In the very near future, we will all enter the age of Aquarius when the world is supposed to change for the better and people will finally find understanding for each other. I pray we all hold on long enough to get there.


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