Friday, June 09, 2006

Old school / New school

I dated this guy in high school for about two years in my freshman and sophomore years.
He was my very first real boyfriend.
He boxed.
He had muscles.
He had really thick knuckles.
He always used to wear wife-beaters and basketball shorts,
until he got into punkrock and then he started wearing wife-beaters and ripped jeans.
His last name was the same as a super fast Italian sports car.
We had sex for the first time on his weight bench.

His dad sold weed.
His dad got the weed in bricks and then he would break it up into smaller amounts to sell to other construction workers.
His dad was always high.
They lived hard from pay check to pay check because his Dad would always blow his paychecks the night he got ‘em and then they’d have no money for the rest of the two weeks.

My friends and family weren’t exactly excited about Italian sports car.
He wasn’t much at school and for fun he and his friends would drop acid and watch Faces of Death.

I was head over heals for this kid.
We would always be having sex.
Like constantly.
I would sneak out my window every night to go sleep at his house.
His parents didn’t care at all and his little sister walked in on us sleeping naked many times.
Then I would walk back home at like 5:00 in the morning before my mom was up and sneak back in to my own room.

We had sex in a lot of fun places too.
Like in the back of his truck under the stars,
In this nearly completed town home in my mom’s complex on a blanket covering some old nails.
On the beach.
In the everglades,
In the gym after hours at the high school on our block where we then got chased out by a guy on a golf cart.
In the hot tub at the complex’s pool, where we were chased out by the neighborhood watch.
Lots of different stuff.
It wasn't what I would call romantic sex,
But you know, it was the fun kind you have because you're 16.
Once, in our second year of dating, he told me that his friends who had been dating a long time had wanted to have a foursome.
I was 16, so I kind of freaked out about it.
But looking back, that would have been so much tougher if I’d said yes.

We started having these fights, real bad ones.
And I couldn’t understand why he was always so angry.
It dawned on me one day when we were driving to a party in his truck.

Me – You’re taking steroids, aren’t you.
Him – yeah.

He would get real tense and the veins in his neck would stick out.
We broke up soon after that.
He started dating some girl soon after me.

I haven’t seen him in 12 years.
I have no desire to.

Mr. 9 and I never really had sex anywhere crazy.
‘Cept in his car at his old elementary school once.
We only really had one or two real fights our whole relationship of nine years.
He never really did any drugs ‘cept for normal high school stuff.
When I stayed at his house, I don’t think his mom was real psyched about us staying in the same room, although we slept in separate twin beds from his childhood,
so that was okay.

The night we broke up with me he told me he had been staying at some girl’s house.
And although nothing had happened between them, he had wanted it to.

I haven’t seen him in a couple of weeks.
I dread it.


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